Monday, July 9, 2007

#3 and #4 (Week 2) Blogging - Getting Set-up

Setting up this blog was as easy as 1 - 2 - 3. However, I found a way to make this task a little more difficult as I could not decide whether to use or (I created my 1st blog about a month ago during a workshop hosted by the Orange County Department of Education posted on edublog). So of course the overachiever that I am I created a blog in both places to see how each worked. I also wanted to know which site would work best through our firewalls (we have a wonderful firewall both at the district and county that block just about everything). The difficultly came with keeping track of the site names, passwords, and log-in areas for administrative needs. After reviewing the two sites I decided to stick with as it was the recommendation of the School Library Learning 2.0 program.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Good choice! Glad you selected blogger because that is my favorite, especially after this Learning 2.0 course.

Enjoy your summer 2.0 journey.

Liz Dodds said...

I love your Alaska pictures. I like blogspot too.